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Smart in-store advertising


Make your indoor digital screens smart

Hire a display device that suits your store

We have a range of display devices to select from to suit your store and budget. We can fit your business vehicles with display devices too.

Outsource your indoor display management

You can use your in-store display devices easily and in more creative ways. Let us manage your display devices and your in-store advertising, you concentrate on your core business.

Cover your advertising cost by sharing your display

The more you advertise for your partner or neighbour, the more value is earned by your display device.

Increase your reach without the cost


The more diverse your partner or neighbour, the more diverse are the audience for your ads.


Take your brand to new heights with SmartImpress

Advertise your neighbour and let them advertise for you

We provide the platform for sharing display devices fairly and easily, you select your partner or neighbour.

Earn money, impression while advertising

You can make money and impression by advertising for your neighbours (T&C applied).

Resell your ads slots

You can resell your allocated ads slots to any other business you prefer (T&C applied).

Smart ad platform

AI based detection and reactions

We use state-of-the-art techniques to detect audience responses to the ads and dynamically change the ad content accordingly.

24X7 free support

Our friendly support staff available anytime to answer your queries and solve your problems of any sort.

Web portal with
full auditing and control

You are always in control of your devices. You can select what to display and what not to. You can manage multiple devices from anywhere.

No commitment and cancel anytime

You are free to discontinue our services at any time you wish without any commitment.

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